These things are to be handled on the forums. General questions such as how to report a player is okay, however, specifics should not be included. Members of the subreddit should not discuss these topics.
Enquiring about the server/forum statusĭo not discuss Reports, Bans, Appeals or Staff Applications.The use of automated software, hacking, editing the PRO game/client, real money/world trading is forbidden and is not to be encouraged.ĭo not message PRO moderators for the following reasons: Posts not related directly to PRO are not welcome here since they are outside the scope of the subreddit. This includes anything sexually explicit, inciting hate or anything illegal. Inappropriate content, topics and malicious links are strictly forbidden.
Members should be respectful towards one another, including staff. These are agreed upon by registration and can be found here. For the most part, all of PRO's Game Rules apply to the subreddit unless stated otherwise.